Repair & Repairing

2006-10-24 9:01 pm
I take a VCR for repair.

I take a VCR for repairing.

Which one is correct.

回答 (3)

2006-10-24 9:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You may either say "I take a VCR for repair." or "I take a VCR for repairs"
"Repair" can be a noun or a verb. Here we use it as a noun.

2006-10-24 13:35:18 補充:
Okay, I’m not saying that ”I take a VCR for repairing” is incorrect. Actually, it’s also acceptable. I was just giving you the most common way of saying it. I hope it won’t give you much confusion.

2006-10-24 13:38:15 補充:
I’m sorry, the 2nd sentence should read ”I was just telling you the most common way of saying it.”
2006-10-24 9:19 pm
to repair
(i'll let you use my computer to research.)

for repairing
(i'll let you use my computer for researching.)

2006-10-24 9:04 pm
i take a VCR for repairing
because it is gerund

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