2006-10-24 9:22 am
據我所知, paris去venice應該只有一種火車,
但佢有可能係TGV嗎? 如非TGV, 又係邊間公司呢?
上網查, 有一間叫Artesia, 是否屬TGV旗下?
仲有, 訂左去到之後需要畀任何EXTRA FEES嗎? 幾多?

回答 (2)

2006-11-02 9:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
巴黎前往威尼斯的火車一定不會是 TGV... 巴黎前往威尼斯只是一班普通的夜間有臥舖的客車, 十分普通. 每晚只有一班, 列車編號是 ARTESIA 221: 每晚 20:28 分在巴黎出發, 第二日早上 9 時 27分到威尼斯
先澄清 TGV 唔係一間公司, TGV 全寫是 TRAIN A GRAND VITASSE. 係高速列車的意思. TGV 是一種火車來的, 最高時速可達 500KM/H. 同日本的子彈火車一樣. 只代表某一類型的火車
法國國家鐵路局是 SNCF. TGV 是由 SNCF 所經營的.
而 ARTESIA 是什麼?? ARTESIA 是一種前往意大利火車, 條件是於上一日的晚上在總站出發, 翌日中午會到達於意大利的總站, 再加上有臥舖的晚間列車. 巴黎到威尼斯的到車便符合所有條件了. ARTESIA 當然也不是 TGV 了
如果你係直接係巴黎火車站的售票處買票, 根本不用比任何的 EXTRA FEE, 所有費用已經計在票價了. 如果係係用火車證, 就要比返留位費及臥舖附加費, 費用約為 20 EURO.
2006-11-01 4:59 am
I couldn't find the details for the train from Paris to Venice, but I have another suggestion for you, you may take the cheap domestic flight to fly from Paris to Venice, it saves much more time for you and if you book the tickets in advanced, you could always get the good deal, www.skyscanner.net

Once you choose the flight option then they will bring you through to the airline's own offical website and purchase the tickets. I will say it is very reliable, at least I bought all tickets many times and took those cheap airlines many times without any troubles.

But bear in mind that sometimes the airport located in somewhere far away from the city centre, you have to make sure you have another travel arrangement to get to the airport...

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