
2006-10-24 8:16 am

回答 (6)

2006-10-24 6:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
其實預繳稅個名有d 誤導啫,當你喺今年8月填報稅表嘅時候,assess你嘅係2005年4月1日至2006年3月31日嘅income,呢一筆你好肯定已袋袋平安,而預繳稅係cover 2006年4月1日至2007年3月31日,咁當中有9個月你肯定會收咗人工(assume你係1月交稅,而你又係明年1月1日先冇咗份工),預繳嗰筆好視乎你淨番嗰三個月係咩狀況。即係話你喺2006年4月1日至2007年3月31日期間嘅收入,會唔會小過2005年至2006年度呢個期間嘅10%。


以我為例,我有一段時間失業,咁計埋人工一定小過前一年嘅10%,咁我就寫咗封信比稅局(attention咗比稅單上面嗰個assistant commissioner),話比佢知我嘅情況,我失業咗幾耐,加埋點都賺唔番之前嘅90%,咁佢就重新幫我計過張單,waiver咗provisional嗰一份。


參考: my experience
2006-11-03 8:02 pm
大部份都岩! 幾好! 除左「預繳稅」不是稅局的官方用字, 佢地叫「暫繳稅」, 係出面d人自己叫錯o者, 稅局無誤導人
2006-10-25 6:18 am
上年預繳稅已於今年稅單扣除,剩餘今年應繳稅款再 + 下年預繳稅(所以你幾年前預繳稅已於每年稅單已扣除),至於想申請暫緩繳納暫繳稅去稅局下載表格 IR1121填完傳真回稅局,我試過大約1週後再計過份稅單比我囉
2006-10-24 4:59 pm
Since the issuance of notice of assessment is a computerized process and many accessors are reluctant to issue the asssessment manually, the notice of assessment for a particular year of assessment will include the provisional payment for the following year, save that you may not derive any income for that year.

In this case, you can lodge a holdover application to have the provisional payment held over. You should submit the application in writing no later than the date specified in the assessment (see Note 2 on the left hand side in page 1). Upon receipt of your application, the Inland Revenue Department will issue a holdover notice to you discharging the provisional payment. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you should take it cum grano salis when applying the holdover application. You must ensure that your assessable income for the provisional year will be less than 90% of that of the preceding year, otherwise, the Inland Revenue Department will issue a query letter to you subsequently. If you are unable to provide a reasonable excuse on why you have under-estimated your provisional income, penalty may be resulted as a consequence.
2006-10-24 8:25 am
是計全年(上一財政年)人工, 而不關找都另一份新工作事.
預繳稅會否退回是看下年要不要交稅, 稅款少過預繳稅, 下年就可以退
2006-10-24 8:21 am
參考: 自己

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