撲克, 葵扇係最大 既英文

2006-10-24 7:59 am
請問 葵扇係4個撲克牌中最大的一個 英文應該點講?

我諗左一句, 不過唔知岩唔岩:
Spade is the largest order of suits in the play cards.


回答 (5)

2006-10-24 8:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
(found this online~)

There are four suit in the game, they are Spade, Heart, Diamond, Club. Among the four suits, Spade is the highest, Heart is the second, Diamond is the third while Club is the smallest.

So you can rewrite 葵扇係4個撲克牌中最大的一個 as:
Spade is the highest among the four suits in a card/poker game.

Normally Spade & Heart are called Major Suits, and Diamond & Club are called Minor Suit. You will see later in the score section why major contract is preferred to minor one.
2006-10-24 7:44 pm
撲克, 葵扇係最大
Spade is the highest card in poker.
Ace of spade is the King Card in pokers.
參考: self
2006-10-24 8:13 am
In a game of cards, spades is of the highest rank.
The ranking order in a game of cards are spades, hearts, clubs and diamonds
2006-10-24 8:11 am
Spade is the biggest suit in deck of card.

usually, we using suit for 花式
2006-10-24 8:08 am
Spade is the biggest pattern in poker.

pattern係花樣/ 樣式
參考: 我自己譯既,唔知啱唔啱

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