2006-10-24 6:38 am
swot 係由推論到結論.但我想 0既係由結論去推論,is it possible?

回答 (2)

2006-10-26 8:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
從結論去推論 is something like reverse engineering (discover the principles of an object or outcome through analysis each previous steps; e.g. when inflation occured, interest rate will rise )

SWOT usually use on things (e.g. figures) that had happen and the result are predictable. But you can still use SWOT to analysis from the recent result or figures to their early vision why Ocean Park need to rebuilt or enlarge.
Many things (not observed by most of the people) can affect a result; At least, the Professor took me something like that when I were a student.
2006-10-24 6:46 am
swot 係你分析而家既局面再寫出你既公司/ product 有咩strength, weakness, opportunities, thrests....從而打入那個市場
因為有呢d swot, 你既公司要點做(e.g. design specific marketing strategies to meet that market).......that means向未來那邊看(因為你唔sure 將來會係點先用swot 去分析下, predict 下)
如果你有o左結論就不用分析當前局勢啦....咁就用唔到swot 喇
that means when u know the results or how the competitors do in the future, it's meaningless for you to use swot to analyze the present situation coz u have already known the future market
參考: me

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