Voltage and Current

2006-10-24 5:35 am
I want to ask what are the differences between voltage and current??

回答 (2)

2006-10-24 8:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Voltage is the difference of electrical potential between two points of an electrical network, expressed in volts. It is a measure of the capacity of an electric field to cause an electric current in an electrical conductor.

Electric current is by definition the flow of electric charge. The SI unit of electric current is the ampere (A), which is equal to a flow of one coulomb of charge per second.
參考: Wikipeida
2006-10-24 5:41 am
电压voltage (V) 和电流current (I) 是有以下的相互关系:-

I=V/R (Ohm's Law)

where R is resistance(电阻)

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