help help me me pc解釋

2006-10-24 5:34 am
1.Many old people are left at home alone beause the family members are busy working. What do you think the government and the family members can do for there lonely old people?
2.Is it wrong to pay someone and get things done?Why do we think that Lefou has done something wrong?

回答 (1)

2006-10-24 9:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 好多老人家得番自己一個係屋企,因為d屋企人唔得閒,要返工。你認為政府同埋d屋企人可以為d寂寞gei老人家做d mud lei?

2. 俾錢人幫你做野係咪錯ga呢? 點解我地覺得 Lefou 做錯野lei?

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