
2006-10-24 5:17 am
Have you experienced a typhoon or rainstorm?what did you do before and after the tyhoon/rainstorm?how did you feel?Write your experience in about 80 words.

回答 (2)

2006-10-24 8:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
for example1:
While I was out working today, there were many rain bands chasing each
other over HK with increasingly strengthening winds as each band crossed
over and decreasing amounts of blue sky in between.

I left my last appointment at about 18:00 and rang Wendy's phone and
discovered she was waiting in an enormous queue for a bus right near
where I was. The queues had swelled suddenly because the HKO had just
announced that Signal Eight would be hoisted within the next two hours.

I picked her and Victor up and decided to give the Central tunnels a miss
and go the long way round because the traffic was so heavy. Bad choice.
Everybody else must have had the same idea because it took two hours for
a twenty-two minute drive. The traffic striving to get home before the
hoisting of Signal Eight was so dense that the tunnel authorities
switched the lights to allow an additional tunnel to be used for going
homewards so we had three lanes North and one South. It feels odd to
drive along freeways on the other side of the central plantation in what
is normally the oncoming traffic lane with two single lanes of opposing
Even with the emergency extra lanes, the traffic was slowed to a crawl
and the rain just teemed down. In fact it would have been rather
dangerous to have driven much faster anyway. The gusts of winds were
rocking the car about and my car is only small and low - a Suzuki Swift
(called a Holden Barina in Australia, I think). The taller cars and vans
were really swaying about.
The observatory hoisted the Typhoon Signal number Eight (North East Gale
Force Winds) at 19:30 while I was still driving home. At about 19:45 the
rain suddenly cleared and there was dead calm. Strange how often that
happens just after the hoisting of a Gale or Hurricane Signal.
And no, it was not the eye of the storm, that was still 300 odd
kilometres away. It just happens that you can get a completely calm spot
in between the rainbands on occasion.
Now as I type at about 20:45, the rain is still holding off, but the wind
is picking up again in gusts.
Apart from traffic chaos, I don't think the storm has caused many other
problems as yet.
JTWC, HKO, and JMA are all still predicting an extremely close approach
to HK tomorrow morning.
I shall endeavour to keep you posted.
It is extremely difficult to get onto any web-site related to weather
here at the moment. Clarence has had 153,281 hits to his page in less
than 24 hours.

Utor has been downgraded to a Tropical Storm by all agencies.
I have just come back from an attempted walk. My usual exercise walk
along the bank of the Shing Mun river (tidal) is impossible this
morning. The water level is 60 cm above the footpath and 70 cm above the
The watermark shows it has been 1 metre above the footpath and 110 cm
above the cycleway at some stage in the last few hours.
Weather is currently like a very heavy drizzle and just a slight breeze.
Number Eight still hoisted.
It seems from satellite pictures that Utor is shrinking very rapidly.
Looking on the map it appears to be going ashore about 100 Km East of
here. JTWCs prediction of a direct hit looks to be a little off.

Victoria Harbour on live television a few minutes ago had waves of about
two metres breaking over the waterfront at Wanchai and it appeared to be
very windy there. Still barely a breeze in sheltered Sha Tin and no
doubt the HKO in the middle of built up Kowloon will be well sheltered
I still cannot get onto the HKO site which is obviously overloaded.
This town has around two million registered Internet users, and I reckon
they are all trying to look at HKO.
參考: yahoo!!
2006-10-24 5:43 am
remembered that when I was six years old . One day, it had typhoon in the morning, I quite afraid because it was my first time. But I was very happy that I did not need to go to school . But it was very boring because I could not go out to play with my friends. After the typhoon , I heard many news about many places were destruct by the typhoon. I thought I was very lucky because I did not live in these places

2006-10-23 21:44:18 補充:
留左 >>>I remembered that

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