(20 點) 什麼是international partnership?

2006-10-24 4:45 am
一間international firm 是否一定要以international partnership 方式經營? international partnership 和 local partnership 有何分別?

回答 (3)

2006-10-24 4:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
一間international firm 是不一定要以international partnership 方式經營。
local partnership is consists of two or more people who get together to form a business.

international partnership can be owned by many people , it has a separate legal existence , whereas a sole proprietorship or a partnership does not.

2006-10-25 07:26:04 補充:
我用中文講多次....international partnership姐係外國公司同外國公司/本地公司一齊開....local partnership就係本地同本地公司一齊開..
2006-10-26 9:46 pm
Not all at.
An international firm is defined as a firm having its organizations setting internationally in host countries or overseas for the same and/or different business functions.

However, these oversea organizations set internationally could be operated and owned by the parent company or we can say the home company has its oversea wholly own subsidiaries; and these oversea organization could also be joined with other partners of the home country (I mean local as the same country the parent company established), the host countries (I mean oversea, but I guess you mean local), the third countries (neither home or host), or even the combination of all for business operation of different advantages.
(Here the partners means the business share holders who have the legitimacy power to participate business operation, there would be not the relationship of employer and employee)

The differences have to be said the advantages and disadvantages of the company having its international (host countries or overseas) partners and the local (I mean home country but I guess you mean the overseas) partners can be summaries as follows:

There are five possible entry modes for a home company going into international market arena namely
a) Exporting good ; b) Business Licensing; c) Business Franchising; d) Business Joint-venture Operation; and e) Setting wholly owned subsidiaries.
Your question somewhat here may be related to the d) and e) with the concern of business partner coordination (the partnership whether is host or home)

Some generic pros and cons in setting up a wholly owned subsidiary
Pros: 1) good protection your technology and know-how; 2) ability to engage in global strategic coordination; 3) ability to realize location and experience curve economies
Cons: high risks and costs since you are not familiarized with the culture of host countries, what market nature and what customers like and dislike.

Some generic pros and cons in setting up a joint-venture company with oversea (host) partners.
The benefits of JV-agreement are 1) access to the host partner’s knowledge; 2) shared development costs and risks; 3) political dependency.
Joint-venture agreement with the business partners of host countries could be 50/50 or 51/49 that depends upon who needs whom more. The shareholder of majority could exercise power over its partner, but conflicts of interest would happen eventually. Fuji-Xerox’s JV-agreement by 50/50 is good example to be at win-win situation for Xerox’s products are manufactured in Japan or in the third countries to tap Japan market successfully, where the Japanese consumers traditionally exile non-Japanese brands
However, the cons are 1) inability to engage in global strategic coordination; 2) inability to realize location and experience curve economies; 3) lack of control over technology and know
參考: Strategy Management by Charles W.L. Hill
2006-10-24 4:48 am
參考: 自己

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