關於Soil同埋Barium Sulfate既問題!!

2006-10-24 4:19 am
請問有無人知道點解係soil入面要加入barium sulfate既物質?? 係咩情況下會咁做呢?? 會唔會有D咩野網頁會有解釋?? 煩請幫忙!! Thanks !!

回答 (2)

2006-10-29 3:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
Barium sulfate is used during the procedure of the soil pH test.

Soil pH is an indication of the alkalinity or acidity of soil. It is based on the measurement of pH, which is based in turn on the activity of hydrogen ions (H+) in a water or salt solution.

When in balance (pH 7) the soil is said to be neutral. The pH scale covers a continuum ranging from 0 (very acidic) to 14 (very alkaline or basic). It is however uncommon to find soils at either extreme of this range. Under many conditions soils tend to become more acid or alkaline over time if steps are not taken to maintain a balance.

Soil pH is an important consideration for farmers and gardeners for several reasons, including the fact that many plants and soil life forms prefer either alkaline or acidic conditions, that some diseases tend to thrive when the soil is alkaline or acidic, and that the pH can affect the availability of nutrients in the soil.

Methods of determining pH include:

Use of an inexpensive pH testing kit based on barium sulfate in powdered form, wherein a small sample of soil is mixed with water which changes colour according to the acidity/alkalinity.
2006-10-27 4:16 pm
Barium sulphate and barium carbonate are natural occurring minerals, so if ground water flows past a deposit, they automatically get into the water, which then goes through soil around it.

There are many sites in the United States that need to be cleaned of contamination, and more than half of them contain barium compounds.

For more information:

You can get more sites by googling : soil barium sulphate

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