maths(about reading information from graphs)

2006-10-24 2:41 am
Find the range of values of k such that the graph of the equation y=kx^2-x-5 has no x-intercept.

回答 (2)

2006-10-24 4:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
When the graph y=kx^2-x-5 has no interception with the x-axis, it means that the equation when y =0 i.e. kx^2-x-5 =0 has no real roots.

(-1)^2 - 4k(-5) is less than 0

1 + 20k is less than 0

20k is less than -1

k is less than -1/20

2006-10-24 08:28:02 補充:
kx^2-x-5 =0 has no real roots means the discriminant of this equation is less than 0. Discriminant of this equation = (-1)^2 - 4k(-5) i.e. (-1)^2 - 4k(-5) is less than 0
2006-10-24 2:49 am
find D < 0 where D = b^2 - 4ac, for the equation ax^2 + bx + c

in this case (-1)^2 -4(k)(-5) < 0
20k < -1
k < -1/20

k < -1/20 will give no solution, meaning x-intercept

< mean small than. dont know why it cant show

hope it acn help

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