
2006-10-24 1:08 am

1) 做人唔應該貪心,如果唔係冇好結果.

2) 沒有斤斤計較


回答 (5)

2006-10-24 1:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. (唔係直譯)
One should not be greedy, as greedy people don't have good endings.
One should not be greedy, as bad things befall those who are greedy.

2. Not a nitpick
Not calculating

2006-10-24 2:23 am
1. No good will come to those who are greedy.

2. Not to be too calculative/ Not counting every penny/ Not a penny pincher
2006-10-24 1:20 am
1) is the person not to be supposed to be greedy, if is not the good result
2) has not been calculating
參考: 個人
2006-10-24 1:15 am
1) The personhood should not be greedy,Otherwise does not have the good result
2) Has not been calculating
2006-10-24 1:13 am
1 The personhood should not be greedy,If is not have the good result
2Has not been calculating

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