我想知道Ocean Park 既SWOT係點樣? 可唔可以講比我知? 唔該

2006-10-23 11:57 pm

回答 (2)

2006-10-24 12:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
Strength = a very HK local theme park, the 7th most popular theme park in the world (by a UK research), very flexible and can change / add theme very often, e.g. halloween.
Market segment range is very wide, people from baby to old people can go, compare to Disney is very young market. This is due to Disney sells DREAM, but Ocean Park sells EXCITMENT, we adult have no dreams....sad sad sad......=(

Weakness = Location is limited only in HK.
No specific theme like Walt Disney, will be very hard to move or expand market out of HK.

Oppotunity = Thank you to BAD BAD HK Disney, there was a time that ocean park income was flat and horizontal, but not Disney is built in HK, they have a competitor, comparing service and price, Ocean Park is much better and fun then Disney. This is due to OP knows the culture and flow of HK much better than Disney. There are also opportunities of China tour to HK, there are many free walkers in Ocean Park in the weekdays, just like Disney.

Treat = so far, the treat will be from Disney HK, if they improve (very unlikely) their service and marketing strategies, OP will need to change to meet their competitor. Also there is a rumor saying that they will build a Disney @ Shanghai, this will also drag a lot of free walkers to Shanghai instead of HK, the treat is for both OP and HK Disney!
參考: Self
2006-10-26 8:14 am
SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)

1. Globally-recognized oceanarium - concern on conservation and education
Ocean Park’s reputation
2. Special Park in HK - Marine animals and two panadas

1. The death of Miss Hoi Wai, the Killer Whale
2. The closures of Water World
3. Short normal opening hours

1. Local Competitors - The Hong Kong Disneyland,
2. Competitors from other Pearl River Delta
- Guangzhou e.g. Chime Long Night Zoo (長隆動物園)
- Shenzhen e.g. Happy Valley (歡樂谷)
Low Entrance Fee, Good Transport system e.g. Yellow bus and KCRC

I have presented the above points in my projects. Hope the information help you.
參考: My Team

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