How to keep my skin smooth & fresh?

2006-10-23 9:18 pm
How to keep my skin smooth & fresh?

回答 (3)

2006-10-23 9:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
eat much more steamed fish
eat boiled egg
drink much more milk
sleep as much more as you can
clean your face and body everyday
avoid staying under the sun
use the cream which is suitable you (no need to buy some too expensive band))
always make yourself happy and relaxed
2006-10-26 5:21 am
always using oil to polish your body.

always change the new skin on your body
2006-10-26 4:03 am
1. Drink warm water in morning when wake up (To clean up )
2. Don't wash face with cleaning lotion, just water is ok
3. Sleep & wake up early
4. No smoke & Drink
5. Do SPA
6. Takes Exercise
7. Takes Vetable & Fruit
參考: From a book of ' Beauty secret ' - Marina Swith

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