Latte 同普通coffee 有乜分別

2006-10-23 10:27 am
Latte 同普通coffee 有乜分別

回答 (3)

2006-10-23 7:14 pm
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At first, we have to define what is normal coffee. It could be mean american filtre coffee for us. Or should it be 茶餐廳 coffee?
Latte is Italian, it mean milk.
For Italian people, coffee mean espresso( very strong italian style coffee) , but they feel that espresso is too strong in the morning. So they put hot milk in it and they call it latte.
I hope it will not confuse you, they buy latte in coffee bar and latte in supermarket is difference.
2006-10-23 12:28 pm
There are two categories of coffee:
1. Drip coffee: it's the coffee you are likely to drink in office. It's just plain waterly coffee that you can put sugar and milk in it
2. Espresso coffee: it's a really condensed coffee which is being used in many special drinks like mocha and latte.

Latte is actually foamed mike + espresso.

Let me know if you need any clarifications
2006-10-23 10:35 am
If I remebered correctly, Latte has 2/3 of milk + 1/3 of coffee; noraml coffe ("Flat white" has half coffee and half milk. Basically Latte has more milk.

2006-10-23 17:22:35 補充:
Ok normal coffee, in my mind, is ALWAYS Italian espresso - that's the only thing I like and that's why it's "normal" for me. Sorry for the confusion.
參考: Me - coffee addict!

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