Linkin park 既chester 童年個時係咪真係俾人性侵犯左5年呀?

2006-10-23 8:07 am

回答 (2)

2006-10-25 10:39 am
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你可以睇睇Linkin Park 呢個forum, 呢篇文章有講Chester既童年:

A story that is often attributed to Linkin Park's frontman Chester Bennington is how he went through a rough childhood that included drugs, sexual abuse and even physical abuse from his peers. For the first time Chester has decided to come clean about his rough childhood, in a 2 minute long message about the adverse effects of bullying in our schools.

Chester 自白:
What's up, this is Chester from Linkin Park. Yeah, I got knocked around a few times. When I was younger, I was even more awkward looking than I am now. I'm a pretty thin, scrawny-looking kind of guy. High school was pretty rough for me, I mean I was.. I had alot of friends, but I also had alot of people who really didn't like me, and I found my self defending myself alot and it was rough. So you know -- yeah, I've had my fair share of getting tossed around like a rag doll. And it's-- it's extremely emotional, you know, you can really effect a person's self-esteem, you know. On top of not being well-received by certain people at school, I was also-- I had also been sexually abused when I was a kid too, so that really-- those two things combined kinda made me want to escape life pretty much, and I've thought of killing myself a few times, of course, but who hasn't, in their life, I guess. Felt really sympathetic for themselves, and woe is me but I turned to drugs, and went on, like, a five year rampage trying to just-- I thought that if they didn't like me for who I was then maybe they'd like me if I was more like the people they admire, like, you know, like some, most rockstars we know. That's how I dealt with it, and that didn't work out very well for me. I had joined a band when I was thirteen, and that was my escape because I didn't hang out with anybody in my school, or any of my friends. I actually joined up with older kids far from where I was, so they didn't have any knowledge of really who I was or whatever, they just kind of recognized me for my voice and wanted me in their band, so I lived, kind of, a dual, kind of, life, you know, I was a nerdy kid at school and then I was, you know, a f*cking rocker on the other half of the valley and I think most of the bullies I knew in high school probably have grown up now and wish they weren't quite the pricks they were in high school.

都有提: he was sexually abused as a child, for about 5 years, into his early teens
參考: 我都好鐘意 LP!
2006-11-11 4:34 am
poor chester

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