Christ Jesus was hung on a cross. Name the sin he paid for?

2006-10-23 1:41 am

回答 (13)

2006-10-23 1:44 am
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All sins for all men(and or women)
2006-10-23 1:44 am
He paid for our sins.
2006-10-23 4:16 pm
He paid for everyone's sins-as everyone is born in sin;not born perfect. Only Christ was born perfect & God required a perfect blood sacrifice,so he sacrificed himself to atone yours ,mine & everyones sins. But the only way your sins are forgiven is for you to accept Christ as your Savior,& make him LORD of your life. I hope you will accept him .
2006-10-23 2:24 am
He was crucified because he said that he was the son of God. He paid for our sins.
2006-10-23 1:52 am
He paid for the sin done by the men before and after him. Including you and me.
2006-10-23 1:49 am
The sin of all mankind. Calvinists hold to a limited atonement; Catholics reject that teaching. Christ's death was sufficient for the satisfaction of all sin.
2006-10-23 1:44 am
2006-10-23 1:44 am
Dunno what religious people would say, but he was killed because he tried to organize a political revolution against the powers of the day, or so they feared.
2016-05-22 11:36 am
Technically you are correct, because the definition of sin is disobedience to God. However, Jesus also died for our sicknesses, our emotional and mental problems, and for basically the curse of the human condition as a whole. It's a good question, though, and I bet a lot of people won't get it, if that makes you happy.
2006-10-23 2:11 pm
He commited the three deady sins:
Love, goodness and kindness.

"Deadly"...because he was crucified for commiting them.
2006-10-23 1:59 am
" In Adam all died even so in Christ shall all be made alive." he overcame Adams sin there by making resurrection from the dead possible He also made repentance and forgiveness possible
2006-10-23 1:54 am
I can see two very plausible scenarios here.

(1) He didn't do anything to get crucified, corrupt officials did it (in violation of Roman law) for political or other reasons.This is more or less what it says in the Gospels.

(2) He violated Roman law and was therefore crucified as specified in Roman law (rather than being stoned, as specified in Jewish law for blasphemy.) Of course, these laws could have been unjust laws anyway.
2006-10-23 1:46 am
He didn't die for a sin, he died for the politics of the Romans.

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