Do all swimming styles produce broad shoulders?

2006-10-22 11:16 am
I want to take up swimming as a hobby, but I don't want the broad shoulders as a result of it. What sort of styles should i stick to?

回答 (10)

2006-10-22 11:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
Fin swimming won't give you broad shoulders because you don't use your hands.

Edit - If you do decide to get fins to play with, you can try the turtleback, which is basically a backstroke with a freestyle kick. Look ma, no hands!
參考: UDT diver
2016-05-22 9:58 am
Butterfly and backstroke
2006-10-24 4:33 am
If you don't want broad shoulders, stick to skinny dipping.
參考: My brain & the ESPN.
2006-10-22 8:36 pm
If you're not gonna swim hard almost all days of the week that wouldn't affect you. But do freestyle and backstroke instead of breast and fly.
2006-10-22 5:10 pm
Mostly it is the butterfly and breaststroke that produces broad shoulders because of the pulling action that you make in the strokes. I would stick to Freestyle and Backstroke. Use fins, and stay away from paddles. Swimming will give you long and lean muscles, not the big bulky look that weights give you from heavy lifting.
2006-10-22 5:04 pm
basically... broad shoulders come along with swimming.
but backstroke isn't as bad as butterfly
2006-10-22 4:23 pm
broad shoulders look good for men.
2006-10-22 3:57 pm
yap 100%
2006-10-22 11:26 am
Unless broad shoulders run in your family, I wouldn't worry too much about it. However, swimming is a good way to build muscle tone and lose weight.

Good luck.
參考: Swimmer for years
2006-10-22 11:22 am
If you will practice swiming like a performance sport you will...But if you not...will will maintain your body in a good form!!!

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