
2006-10-23 7:00 am
睇完RTHK的傑出華人演奏家後, 我在想怎樣聽別人的演奏做得好不好, 譬如A彈那首曲,B也彈一樣的,如何分出他們的高低呢?




回答 (2)

2006-10-24 9:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 需要多聽不同演奏家的演奏
如看音樂會和CD都可以,因為自己心裡既一套美學係需要時間去Build up的,多聽了心裡就自然有個標準來分辨。
2. 多看樂評人寫既評論
3. 參加音樂欣賞講座
我覺得一位稱職的演奏家除了具備你所寫的之外 (這是最基本的要求吧) ,還需要有一份對音樂既熱誠,因為要有這顆熱誠的心,才會為著自己的演奏努力不懈務求感動聽眾,而且如果欠缺了這顆心,他所演奏的都會變得內裡空空如也,沒有內涵,有如機器。
參考: my opinion
2006-10-23 8:14 am
Music is very personal and subjective matter. No one is ever correct and no one is even wrong (well too wrong anyways). In a competition there are many factors the judges should and will consider, mainly if the player has truely understood the STYLE of the piece of music (eg. when playing Bach, can this person really play the style Bach intended or is he/she just playing in their own style that doesn't suit the music?). Some judges are musicologists, meaning they are extremely picky about the different styles, eg. Bach style, Mozart style, Phillip Glass style etc etc.
Then comes expression - this can be quite experimental by the player, as long he/she keeps the style correct. Expression is not just emotional expression but also pharsing - ie. treating the piece of music like a conversation, where you have commas and full stops. This is what gives the emotional feel to the music. So Pharsing and emotions go hand-in-hand.
Speed - well of coz one should play close to the speed that the music asked for. Never too fast - if it's too fast, then it isn't possible to hear the expressions and pharsing. If it's too slow, then it's boring! The player should make use of speed when performing and this is probably the hardest because one will no doubt be nervous on stage, you will speed up even if you don't want to!
I'm only speaking from an amature player's point of view. Any professional musicians here are welcome to correct me.
參考: Me

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