
2006-10-23 6:51 am
if 1 mole of X02 contains the same number of atoms as 60g of Xo3,the molar mass Xo3 is?

the molr mass is wt ar? u can not explain


the molar mass is wt ar? u can not explain

回答 (4)

2006-10-23 7:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
number of moles = mass/molar mass

So, 1=60/molar mass
so the molar mass is 60g

2006-10-23 00:25:18 補充:
should be:no of moles of XO2=no of moles of atoms in XO31 = 4 * mass of XO3 / molar mass of XO3 (there are 4 atoms in the XO3 molecule)1= 4 * 60/molar massmolar mass = 240g
2006-10-24 2:28 am
x moles of XO3 gives 60g and 4x mole of atoms
1 mole of XO2 gives 3 moles and 4x mole of atoms
Therefore, x=0.75

molar mass
= mass per mole of substance
= mass/ no. of moles
= 60/0.75
=80 (g)
2006-10-23 7:50 am
1 mole既野擁有相同既數量, 即 6.02 * 10^23

不過後者係講atoms既數目, 而1 mole既 XO3 就有 4 moles既atoms

所以, 1 mole XO2 = 1/4 mole XO3
所以, XO3 既molar mass (1 mole既mass) 係 60 * 4 g = 240 g
2006-10-23 6:55 am
mole of X02 contains the same number of atoms

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