
2006-10-23 6:26 am

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We should not indulge ourselves too much in certain things.


vt.1. 沈迷於;滿足(慾望等)2. 使高興;讓...享受一下[(+with)]The thrifty farmer seldom, if ever, indulged himself with good food.那個節儉的農民難得吃好菜好飯讓自己享受一下。3. 縱容;遷就His mother indulged him in pocket money.他母親放縱他,給他許多零花錢。vi.1. 沈迷;放縱自己[(+in)]The prince indulged in luxury.那位王子奢靡無度。2. 使自己高興一下;讓自己享受一下[(+in)]Once in a while he indulged in a bottle of good wine.他偶爾也享受一下,喝上一瓶好酒。3. 【口】抽煙;喝酒;暴飲暴食

唔可以 = 不應

要用 Should not, 不可用 cannot

addicted 是上癮,要先沈迷,後上癮

參考: yahoo dict
2006-10-23 10:31 am
我哋唔可以過份說沉某事件 - We should not indulge ourselves in a particular thing.

indulge - 沉迷
2006-10-23 6:43 am
We cannot be over-addicted in some cases.
參考: 自己對語言的研究
2006-10-23 6:41 am
we should not excessively addicted to xxxxxx
參考: myself

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