
2006-10-23 6:23 am

回答 (2)

2006-10-23 7:55 pm
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BB was drink breatmilk since the first month lor, when he feel very hungry he can drink more. If you feed him frequency, he drink a little and sleep. My BB feel tired, he take a little milk, than he sleep again.

You better pump breastmilk into the bottle, Avent Iris pump is the good choice, or you can use Media Breastpump. These two brand is more comfortable than others.

Me too, we can pumping milk and know how much milk he can drink. If I feel him directly form my breast, he want to Sleep..zzzzz.
2006-10-24 12:47 am
my baby had the same problem too. I breastfed her directly and she usually ate to sleep. Then when she woke up and ate again. It s very tough for the mom but I tried to do my best since supposedly feeding her directly will prompt more milk. So i did it.

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