are men love women who go to teach dance?

2006-10-23 6:18 am
hi i am a girl, my boyfriend does not know that i am a teacher of dance, i have never told him, i want to know that does man love his girlfriend as a teacher of dance, please help me, welcome men to answer my question. thanks!

回答 (4)

2006-10-23 6:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
I don't think a man will don't like her girlfriend be a teacher of dance.A teacher is good!
Who teach you to read?Who teach you to write?A teacher!Same,who teach you to dance?I dance teacher!
So,I don't think a man won't unlike a teacher of dance,
2006-11-05 5:12 pm
teacher are always welcomed by people! but i don't think so all men like dance teacher, because they think that when people dancing their body need to touching with other men, so i still don't get the right amswer, but too few answers, any ways thank you for your reply!
2006-10-23 6:27 am
參考: 我
2006-10-23 6:22 am
唔知呀~你boyfriend諗咩你最清楚ga bo~有咩理由問外人ga~

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