
2006-10-23 5:29 am
I had not to tell anyone I got the magic carpet, because I worried another people would steal it, and I not want to share it with another people; in short, I were selfish. Moreover, the carpet was rare in earth. I went back to home, and I hided it in my bedroom. I took advantage of it on holidays.
I had gone to a forest at once. The forest of trees was very tall, and I found out a lot of rare plants in the plants in the forest. There was lots of animals lived. I was chased by a tiger.

回答 (5)

2006-10-23 5:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. because I worried *other* people would steal it
another係用黎指「一個」其他人, people係眾數~

2. and I *didn’t* want to share it with *other* people

3. Moreover, the carpet was rare in *the Earth*.
地球係專有名詞, 所以要加 the 同大寫開頭~

4. and I *hid* it in my bedroom.

5. I had gone to a forest *at once*.
at once係指即刻。
I had gone to a forest *once*

6. The forest of trees *were* very tall

7. and I found out a lot of rare plants in the forest.
我刪左你句「in the plants」。

8. 第一, There *were* lots of animals
animals係眾數~ 吾用there was~ 用there were~
第二, 我建議哩句你改成咁:(你本身句有d怪)
There *lived* lots of animals.
2006-10-24 11:43 pm
Many errors were missed in this answer.
You cannot say IN the Earth, have to say ON Earth. In the earth 會令人誤會泥土中.
用y-TheHelper個答案啦, 佢個無錯
2006-10-23 11:16 pm
I have never told anyone that I have gotten a magic carpet, because I worried that it would be stolen and I did not want to share it with others too, perhaps I was selfish, nevertheless do you know how rare it is. After coming home, I hided it in my bedroom and use it every holidays.
Once(at once是立即的意思,並不是有一次的意思 ), I went to a forest(wood 也可以,wood 指樹林,而forest是森林), where tall and scarce trees were everywhere, abided with a lot of animals. Suddenly, I was chased by a tiger.

2006-10-23 15:19:00 補充:
對唔住,hided 應該用hid,因為hid 才是hide的過去式
2006-10-23 6:01 am
I did not tell anyone that I have got the magic carpet, because I worried other people would steal it, and I did not want to share it with other people too. in short, I am selfish. Moreover, the carpet was rare in the earth. I went back home and I hid it in my bedroom. I took advantage of it on holidays.
I had gone to a forest at once. The trees in the forest were very tall, and I found a lot of rare plants in the forest. There were lots of animals lived there. I was chased by a tiger.

2006-10-23 5:59 am
I (did not tell) anyone (about) the magic carpet because I (was) worried (that other) people would steal it. I (did) not want to share it with (other people). (In) short, I (was) selfish. (Anyway), the (magic) carpet was a rare (one) (on) earth. After I went (back home), I (hid) it in my bedroom. I took advantage of it on holidays. I (flew to the) forest at once. The trees (were) very tall and I (found) a lot of rare plants in the forest. There (were) lots of animals (living there too). I was (once) chased by a tiger.
參考: Hope can help you

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