BBA and Tourism

2006-10-23 4:49 am
(I)有人話BBA已經爛, 究竟讀完有乜用?(except Accountant and Law)
(II)讀Tourism 好唔好?

回答 (3)

2006-10-24 5:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think studying BBA is better than Tourism.

If you have tourism working experience, you don't need to study anything at all because the company will only focus on your working experience. Also, the tourism company will provide training for you. E.g. Training for reversation system, flight attendent training. Thus, if you study tourism, it's hard to change to other firm and the pay is quite low..

If you are working in Business enviroment, you must have a related Dip or even Degree to propose your career. So, if you study BBA, it's eariler to choose job since it's very gerenal, that's why it's popular.

I'll choose studying BBA instead of Tourism.

Anyways, good luck on your study~
參考: Working in Tourism Industry for 5 years and studying BBA now
2006-10-24 4:17 am
i have studied tourism and i think these are not practical. Most of the tourism subjects are theory rather the practical such as the impact of tourism & global tourism.. When i wanna apply tourism related job, the company requirement are low and the company prefer you know reservation or airport computer system.
2006-10-23 5:30 am
I think tourism is good

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