Machiavellianism 同Ethical Egoism的分別?

2006-10-23 2:43 am
Thank you.......

回答 (1)

2006-10-23 8:09 pm
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Machiavellianism and Egoism both refer to ethical issues; the situation, problem, or opportunity in which an individual must choose among several actions that must be evaluated as Right or Wrong.

Machiavellianism defines that someone uses morally wrong, in-humane and unacceptable behavior strongly to achieve his/her desired consequences (Power & Success) without respecting the justice of the social. The consequences could harm to other persons’ life, damage others physically and mentally, their properties, interests, money, pleasure, knowledge and the like. Niccolo Machiavelli, an Italian statement in the 15th Century wrote his book—The Prince, which describes how the rulers using their forces immorally to achieve their power and success

Egoism defines acceptable behavior as that which maximizes consequences for the individual Doing The Right Thing, this focus of moral philosophy is defined by egoism as do the act that promotes the greatest good for oneself. If everyone follows this system, according to its proponents, the well-being of society as a whole should increase. The notion of egoism is similar to Adam Smith’s concept of the Invisible Hand in business. He argued that if every organization follows its own economic self-interest, the total wealth of society will be maximized.
參考: Management by by Bateman & Snell

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