Thomas Edison

2006-10-23 1:21 am

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2006-10-27 12:20 am
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You can go to this website and look for his inventions. As he had accumulated 1500-plus patents worldwide, he must have 1000+ inventions.

Here*s some of his inventions:
1) Electrographic Vote-Recorder
2) Printing-Telegraphs
3) Printing-Telegraph Apparatus
4) Automatic Electrical Switch for Telegraph Apparatus
5) Electro-Motor Escapements
6) Printing-Telegraph Instruments
7) Governors for Electro-Motors
8) Telegraphic Transmitting Instruments
9) Relay-Magnets for Telegraph Instruments
10) Electro-Magnets for Telegraph Instruments
11) Machinery for Perforating Paper for Telegraph Purposes
12) Telegraph Apparatus
13) Telegraphic Recording Instruments
14) Type-Wheels for Printing-Telegraphs
15) Electro-Magnets
16) Rheotomes or Circuit-Directors
17) Transmitters and Circuits for Printing-Telegraphs
18) Unison-Stops for Printing-Telegraphs
19) Paper for Chemical Telegraphs etc.
20) Apparatus for Perforating Paper for Telegraphic Use
21) Electrical Printing-Machines
22) Type-Writing Machines
23) Circuits for Chemical Telegraphs
2006-10-23 6:55 am
The Inventions of Thomas Edison

Said to be 'the most respected technologist of the time', Thomas Edison defined genius as 'one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration'. Deaf since a young age, he never seemed to mind the disability since it helped him to concentrate on his work. Taking naps instead of sleeping at night, he believed that sleeping was a waste of time and 'a deplorable regression to the primitive state of caveman'. All this hard work paid off; by the time he died (1931), he had patented 1093 inventions.

Stock Tickers (1869)The Multiplex Telegraph (1974) The Telephone Transmitter (1877) The Phonograpy (1877) Incandescent Ligth (1879) Power Stations (1882) The Kinetoscope (1888) Cement Manufacture (1900)

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