2006-10-22 11:54 pm
WHAT IS GREUNDS>>最好用中文答!THX!~~~~~~~~~~~~

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上面位,你答乜?I want to playing football 都寫得出? 錯晒。
你那句個 VERB + ING 第一不是 GERUND, 第二你個 TO 後面不可加 ING,是 INFINITIVE,要用 BASIC FORM, 乜都唔加得。又不是 LOOK FORWARD TO, TO 後面基本不可加 ING。



I like playing. (gerund, 動名詞,因後面無 NOUN)

I like playing football. (present participle, 現在分詞,因後面有 NOUN)

Singing is my pastime. (gerund, 動名詞,因後面無 NOUN)

Singing songs is my pastime. (present participle, 現在分詞,因後面有 NOUN)

2006-10-22 18:16:21 補充:
你可說 I want to play football. 但千萬不可說I want to playing football. 錯。I like playing football. like 後面才可加 verb ing.

2006-10-22 22:14:39 補充:
下面位,你知不知自己說乜?英文句子可用 N 個 VERBS,e.g.I slept, woke up and ate. GERUND 不是 VERB,是由 VERB 變成的 NOUN。如 READING 讀書,中文可以是動詞或名詞,如讀書 (動名詞)是我的興趣。 我喜歡讀 (動詞)書 (名詞),我喜歡讀書 (動名詞)。
參考: my brain
2006-10-23 5:03 am
喺英文文法上, 通常只係會用一個verb.
(i.e. Subject + Verb + Object)
例如: I love you
所以好多時就要用兩個verb - 即是gerunds (v + ing)
例如: I like reading.
2006-10-22 11:59 pm

In linguistics, a gerund is a kind of verbal noun that exists in some languages. In today's English, it can behave as a verb within a clause (so that, for example, it may be modified by an adverb or have an object), but the clause as a whole (sometimes consisting only of one word, the gerund) acts as a noun within the larger sentence. For example:

Editing this article is very easy.

Within the clause "Editing this article," the word "Editing" behaves as a verb; in particular the phrase "this article" is the object of that verb. But the whole clause "Editing this article" acts as a noun within the sentence as a whole; it is the subject of the verb "is".

In English, a verb's gerund is formed using the -ing ending. It is identical to the present participle in form, but behaves differently in syntax.

Examples of the gerund:

* I like writing. (direct object)
* Programming is fun. (subject)

詳情 : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerunds

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