16歲做what partime 工好?

2006-10-22 9:50 pm
I live in Tin Sui Wei...... Any partime work that i can do on November and December....... because that is my end of year holiday.....

i can speak and write english and can speak cantonese but cant write chinese........

and im 16yrs old..... any job?

回答 (2)

2006-10-23 11:25 pm
Let me introduce myself first. I came back from Canada 6 months ago. I’m now working as financial advisor at Manulife. I also work as tutor, compensation sales and customer service officer at Hong Kong Jockey Club. “Retire young, retire rich” is my goal. I'm now selling some sanitary products. If you are interested, please either email me or msn me for more information. Swear god. You will be impressed. [email protected]
2006-10-22 9:56 pm
You can try to read newspaper first, cos you so young. I m not sure you will find the office work...probably fastfood work might be suit you.
參考: me

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