
2006-10-22 9:37 pm

回答 (3)

2006-10-24 5:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果你所講的「無牌的人」是指按照「學徒條例」登記的學徒的話, 是可以的. 例如在職訓局修讀電工課程的學員, 他們沒有正式的牌, 但可以在導師的指導下進行實習.

但是, 如果你是指一般的水電行內的「學師仔(無牌)」, 那就不同了, 因為這些學師的朋友是沒有保險的, 如果出了意外的話, 僱主要承擔全部的責任(包括法律責任及賠償責任). 所以, 一般小電器行的老闆只會容許學師的朋友在場旁觀, 但不太願意讓學師的進行帶電操作, 除非老闆有十足的把握.
2006-10-24 7:07 am
(Writing in english due to handwriting pad failed)
It is very danger to let those non-REW working on Live parts as they have no responsible (in Law) on what they do. Especially those so call skillful worker and so call specify talent who came from Main Land China (in my experience). The REW on site (or in-charge) will be suit on court under criminal in case accident happen. So the REW must isolate all Live parts, and lock the faculty if possible, before ask his non-REW subordinate to do something.
Many site worker say ** No accident - ke ke ke; Accident happen - finish !! ** to warn those apprentices and new hands.
參考: I am a group leader of electrical maintenance in a large public utility.
2006-10-23 1:51 am
係可以的! 唔係d工人點可以拿經驗註冊呢?

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