Choose the correct answer

2006-10-22 7:59 pm
3. A. are intelligent animals   B. for many years.   
C. can live   D. Cats   E. and they 

4.A. example   B. message   C. danger   D. raise   E. intelligent

Dogs are ?animals. Let me give you an?. You can teach a dog how to ?its leg and shake your hand. Of course, you can teach a dog lots of other interesting tricks.

回答 (2)

2006-10-22 8:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
3. D. Cats A. are intelligent animals E. and they  C. can live B. for many years.   

4. Dogs are (intelligent) animals. Let me give you an (example). You can teach a dog how to (raise) its leg and shake your hand. Of course, you can teach a dog lots of other interesting tricks.
2006-10-22 8:05 pm

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