
2006-10-22 7:52 pm
假如你是一隻被偷運到香港的企鵝/熊貓/獅子,你將會有什麽遭遇?Talk about 遇到的適應問題&解決方法/結果。(about100字)

回答 (4)

2006-10-22 8:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
They may be sent to the Zoo/park, feed by the keeper and people will come to visit them. It sounds good but the environment might be crowded in Hong Kong, they may not have enough space to move, the food will be different from where they came from, they may not get used to the weather and at last, they will get sick easily, even die. It affected the natural growth of these animals...
參考: my own
2006-10-22 9:40 pm
2006-10-22 8:48 pm
我是一隻住在南極的企鵝,某一天,被一班帶著網的人類捕捉了,運送到一個叫香港的地方,那裹又黑又熱,令我透不過氣來,我唯有不停飲水,又令身體保持濕潤,將水潑在身上,這樣捱了一段日子,我被運送一個較舒適的地方,那裹較大又涼快,有些大冰塊,生活比前較理想,但日子久了,我感到非 常寂寞、懷念家鄉,這時,我唯有冰塊上滑行,想像已身在南極,這樣生活總算無憂。
2006-10-22 8:01 pm
for example you can imagine you are a person from hk to u.s, what problems do you have. the only thing you are used to living in u.s. is the time. the time will help you solve the problems.... you can think of that ways... i just give you some idea...the rest of it i think you can do it by youself because that is you homework... you are supposed to finish by youself

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