
2006-10-22 7:34 pm
如果係Canada玩開灣岸2,,咁個張tuning card係HK用唔用到???

回答 (2)

2006-10-26 5:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
車檢是每 60 GAMES一次的喔~
車檢其實只是將玩家的車卡資料在現有的車卡中轉移至一張新卡上, 簡單來說只是一個定期更新的動作而已. 所以是不會有 "不能玩下去" 的情況發生的

因全世界 現時只有兩個版本不互通的灣岸2 , 分別是 日文版, 和 英文版
香港是以英文版為主的, 至於加拿大那邊的情況則本人不知道了
簡單點說, 你是玩開 英文版的話, 來到香港就可以放心地玩嚕~
2006-10-27 12:59 am
yep~u can use the tunning card in HK as well
I can use the tunning card which opened in Calgary when I stayed in HK in the August,2006
but the card cannot be used in the Japanese Verson machine
it can absolutely work on the English machine
English Verson is majority instead of Japanese in HK

on the other hand,it just updating the datas of your car by the card renewal
so your data won't be changed and lost by renewing the card

hoping that my experience can help you
參考: my experience

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 16:18:17
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