How to transfer the chinese word doc. from HP PDA to PC

2006-10-22 7:01 pm
I typed some Chinese word in Pocker Word, but the Chinese word become 亂碼 after I transferred the doc to PC. Anyone could teach me how to solve this problem?

回答 (1)

2006-10-22 10:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Please supply more information.. What PDA are you using? What windows are you using? Microsoft Word version?

Many new programs nowadays are using Unicode to avoid confusing font type instead of using Big5 (trad. chinese or GB (simplified chinese) as before. If you see some monster font, that may because some of your software is still old version which create some problem after migrating the file to your computer. You may try the following:

1. Upgrading Activesync to latest;
2. Set windows to read Traditional Chinese font: Control Pannel -- Regional Setting -- Advanced -- Non Unicode Encoding, Check box and Choose Traditional Chinese Big5
3. After opening the transfered file in Wrod in your PC, do the following setting in word:
Toolds-- Language -- Set Language, and choose your prefered language.

Good luck

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