
2006-10-22 6:37 pm
1: 我鐘意新年..因為佢有好濃厚既節日氣氛...大家都會講好多祝福既說話!!
2: 我好鐘意大自然!
3: 佢有自己既風格..佢唔會因為商業..去唱1d唔好既歌...






6: 佢有自己既立場.唔會隨波逐流

回答 (4)

2006-10-22 6:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. I like Chinese New Year as it is full of festival atmosphere and everbodies will say a lot of blessings to each others.
2. I like natural atmosphere.
3. He/ She has his/her own style...and he/she will give up his/her style for the sake of commercial reason to sing any songs that may not be suitable to him/her.
2006-10-22 6:54 pm
1.I like Chinese new year..because it have very strong of festival's atmosphere ...the people will speak many Bless language!!
2.I like great universe very much!
3.He/She has his/her own style..he/she dont care about business.. to sing the song that he/she dont like...
參考: 自己
2006-10-22 6:52 pm
I like the (Chinese) New Year as the festival atmosphere.is strong during the time, and people will say a lot of words of good wishes to each other.

I love nature a lot.

He has his own style, and he won't sing any less-than-good commercial songs.
參考: myself
2006-10-22 6:43 pm
1: I like new year. Because 佢 has the strong already festive atmosphere.. Everybody can speak many blessing already to speak! !
2: My good clock Italy nature!
he has the oneself already style. he cannot because of the trade. Sings the some not good already song...

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