is it problem in love if women are older than men?

2006-10-22 6:32 pm
i am older than my boyfriend around 8 years old, moreover, we knew each other from internet as Yahoo chess game, he is come from foreign country he is white man, we did just see each other on webcam, but we have many common family background, many times he said that want to marry me and save money then come to Hong Kong see me, does he really love me? why he want to marry me?

回答 (1)

2006-10-23 9:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
Do you love him? If you do, you should take this risk. Actually, it is no harm for you to see if he will save money and come to HK to marry you. BTW, why you do not go to his country to see him? It could be very romantic memory.

When you fall in love, it does not mean marriage. It could be just a love affair. For foreigners, they see Chinese differently. They think we look like teenagers and many foreigner looks older than their age. Besides, they are open-minded, age is not a way to judge if they should love somebody.

Just ask yourself if you can accept his love if it is real. If his love is not real, you could at least enjoy a romantic experience!

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