why do i always worry that lose the love?

2006-10-22 4:50 pm
i always worry that lose my boyfrind,as long as he does not talk to me few days as i feel that he left me, how do i treat the problem? and how do i know what my boyfriend thinking?(he lives from me so far)

回答 (2)

2006-10-22 6:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
the best way is u talk to him in person
asking him why u dun talk to me in these days
did i do sth wrong?
but remeber not to ask for many times if he's not willing to talk to you!!
sometimes he may be busy~ so he doesn't hv time to talk to you
so u must ask!

if he don't reply u... the possibility that he didn't love u is quite high
however, we should be happy to leave sb that dun love us^ ^
be strong!
2006-10-22 5:03 pm
Are you come from a single parent family?
Only your mother bought you up? right?
No need to worry about losing of bf.
How many males in this world?
The old one does not go, the new one will not come.

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