i think == I do not want to build up a bad image.== is better
since the word build is usually used literally to indicate a situation that a construction is done. We seldom use it to express a build up of an impression. On the other hand, build up is more idometic, and we use with a prop to reinforce the actual meaning for the verb. So it fits in the figurative meaning of develop or establish in this case.
Incomparing chinese, we dun use prop a lot but we use adverb, just like建立/建設
建is the verb 立 is reinforcing the verb combined as a meaning of develop
設is another word to enhance the build, and you will then know it about construction.
Chinese and English are in common in this way to make precision.
As you know 建形象, 建立形象is different in Chinese, right?
2006-10-22 12:57:10 補充:
to:下面的可以的, build up可以用係抽像既野上build up ones hope/image/impression.....webclip titlesProjects Aim To Build Up City's Image - washingtonpost.com
2006-10-22 12:57:22 補充:
5 Ways to Build Up Your Business Image
2006-10-22 13:06:48 補充:
仲有今朝唔知做乜好多typobuild up is more *idiomatic, prep 我打晒做prop = =再下面既同學講多聲:create image聽落似創建新圖檔既feel多d多數用既wording唔係build up/establish就係develop因為create係一時性既, 上面果3個都係累積/長期既如果係話建立某形象既話...當然係要累積返黎啦~