2006-10-22 8:30 am
A block is initially at rest on a rough inclined plane which makes an angle of 10' to the horizontal. When a force F of 25N parallel to the plane is applied on the block, the block moves at a constant speed.
Suppose the weight of the block is 60N, find the frictional force acting on the block by the inclined plane.

我個solution 就係60sin 10' = 10.4N
但個soultion 錯o左....而係25+60sin 10'

點解要加埋25N 個force...而唔係整係用sin 搵個frictional force....???

回答 (2)

2006-10-22 12:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Because fritional force always has the same magnitude as the net force, that is where you did wrong.

In here, the net force is not 60N,

it is (weight)sin10 + 25N (you did not add this 25N force)

=> 60sin10 + 25N
2006-10-22 8:53 am
因為俾一個25N 既力個block

個平面係rough 既, 所以就會有個25N既friction


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