toward , towards, forwards, forward, 點分,點用?

2006-10-22 8:29 am
請問toward , towards, forwards, forward, 點分,點用?

回答 (2)

2006-10-22 8:54 am
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Toward 同 towards完全一樣

1. He walks toward(s) to the river.
2. Local people are friendly toward(s) tourists.

而forward可以是adjective, noun, verb, adverb

1. He leant forward(s) to see better. [此forward為adverb,解向前,可用forward或forwards]
2. The forward part of the train is for first-class passengers only.[此forward為adjective, 解位於前面的,不能用forwards]
3. Please forward the email to me.[此forward為verb,解轉遞,不能用forwards]
4. Theirry Henry is a forward. [此forward為noun, 解前鋒, 不能用forwards]
參考: 牛津字典
2006-10-22 10:14 am
Although some style books prefer “forward” and “toward” to “forwards” and “towards,” none of these forms is really incorrect, though the forms without the final S are perhaps a smidgen more formal. The same generally applies to “backward” and “backwards.” There are a few expressions in which only one of the two forms works: step forward, forward motion, a backward child ... forward.html · 庫存頁面
ahead InFront, first , former , before , ago , preceding , late , previous onwards , onward , frontwards , forwards , forward , forrard positioning_setting from all around surrounding positioning_setting ... facing the sky upper , natural , naturally upwards , upward , toward the sky , towards the right , towards the left positioning_setting towards , facing , face forrad InFront, first , former , before , ago , ... positioning_setting.html · 庫存頁面
Urban Legends Reference Pages: Thousand Dollar Bill
... an unnamed millionaire to donate just a little bit more towards the ... For every person that you forward this e-mail to, Microsoft will pay you $245.00 For every person that you sent it to that forwards it on, Microsoft will pay you $243.00 ... This account will initially be opened with a credit of $1,000 toward any new or used vehicle at their participating dealership. For each person you forward ... billgate.asp
c] The drawn sword is taken back towards the left with a feeling of thrusting toward the left ear, then swings up to become Morote Jodan. d] At the is moment the body is bent slightly backward. e] Push the knees forward using thrusting power from the toes. Also the knees are pushed forwards and outwards to take Makko Kirioroshi. f] Twisting the right hand to the right, take a sharp Yoko ... · 庫存頁面 · 庫存頁面
Soccer Glossary
... into positions of players on the field ; for example, a 4-3-3 formation places 4 defenders , 3 midfielders and 3 forwards on the field. Forward ... when a goaltender or defender passes the ball from close to his own goal toward the other team's goal ... a team's most powerful and best-scoring forward who plays towards the center of the field ; also, the ... · 庫存頁面
Basketball Glossary
the last pass to a teammate that leads directly to a field goal ; the scorer must move immediately toward the basket ... the direction a team on offense moves, from its backcourt into its frontcourt and towards its own basket . draft: the ... forwards: the 2 players on the court for a team who are usually smaller than the center and bigger ... · 19/10/2006 · 庫存頁面
顯示來自 "" 的其他搜尋結果。 towards-ukernels.pdf · 庫存頁面 · PDF 檔案
Bellatrix Fighting School - Appendix G
Avoid leaning forwards. If you have to lean, and you will, try to lean towards the side as much as possible. As a test, pay attention to the small of your back, right ... This allows you to drive your left sword with your front leg, since you are aiming your lower body toward the ... the rear, while causing the sword hand to move slightly back, then continue its motion by whipping forward towards the ... · 19/10/2006 · 庫存頁面
Moving towards Checkmate " L'État, c'est moi, " famously proclaimed Louis XIV. Recently ... is loaned by that bank to another, which then sells the gold in connection with a forward contract? Any interpretation of the BIS data must recognize the different financial mechanics of forwards ... However, although the notional value of OTC gold options has moved back toward the peak ... · 庫存頁面

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