
2006-10-22 8:04 am
宜家讀3AL (phy, chem, pure maths)
請就 要求、價錢、學制、質素、就業機會 分析。

回答 (2)

2006-10-25 1:14 am
✔ 最佳答案

Your choices = UK US CA AU NZ

UK US are the most expensive, AU NZ are the cheapest.

For AU NZ, you should first do a Diploma, and then study in Year 2 ( totally 2 years and 8 months to 3 year) but that is a dergee without Hons. But nowadays, noone mind that is not a BXX (Hons), if you really mind, you can do a PG Diploma and then master dergee ( 1 .5 years )
MASTER + Dergee ( 4 -5 years)

For UK,
Dergee WITH Hons ( 3years), master ( 1 year, non-stop)

For US Canada
That is a 4 years dergee, it take a long time !!

If you study in those top universities, all of them are good !!
AU NZ, Go8 universities or Auckland U
UK, Oxford, cambridge, LSE
US so many

BUT, it is easier to study top universitoes in AU and NZ.

Depends on major, if accounting, AU, NZ , UK must be better than USA CAN.

2006-10-24 17:17:24 補充:
IF AU and NZ, once you complete your Diploma and then study in Year 2, you do not have to submit your IELTS result.Fees about AU$20000 in AU and NZ$ 20000 in NZFor living, depens on people but it must be cheaper than UK and US.

2006-10-24 17:17:40 補充:
Some of my friends are studying in US UK AU.For livingAU NZ is the cheapest

2006-10-24 17:19:17 補充:
If you first do a Diploma, AL and CE results are not important.If you are going to study in AU or NZ, it's better to study a Diploma in AU or NZ as soon.AL is wasting your time.
參考: ME ( international student in NZ)
2006-10-22 11:28 am
I have some information about universities with BBA programs in Canada and Australia.

I am sure the best is the University of Western Ontario. Well, generally, this university is not as good as UT, Mcgill and UBC. But it is especially famous for BBA.

I have heard that the best universities studying BBA are Monash and UNSW.

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