
2006-10-23 2:30 am
Definitely, foreign teachers’ pronunciation is more standard than native teachers.
(more standard應修改為?)

they can use English as their second language naturally and not afraid of speaking in English in public.
(in public應修改為?)

It makes the students think that accomplishment is everything.

First, non-native teachers of English may lack confidence in their English language ability and give their own language improvement a high priority, thus evading their English language performance through its restriction to classroom conversation.
(may lack以及give their own language improvement a high priority也被老師挑出來說要改)

It may causes students put dependence on learning English reading with mother tongue.


回答 (3)

2006-10-23 8:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
more standard可改為more accurate 另外native teachers應改為native teachers’

in public可修改為pubicly

It makes students feel that accomplishment means everything.

may lack也許可改為 may be lack of(但我覺得兩者都OK); give their own language improvement a high priority或許修為 give a high priority on their own language improvement

word綠底表示它無法判別,並不代表一定有錯,對自己要有信心 (causes 應為 cause)全句或許可改為It may cause students to depend on learning English reading with mother tongue.

2006-11-28 1:07 am

第二句not afraid of 好像要加be, 變成not be afraid of. 因為and前後主詞皆為they,故後半句可省, 但動詞不能共用,所以後半句要有動詞. in public 不需改. 但若覺得 in English in public 饒口, 可改成not be afraid of speaking English in public.

第三句 要不要the要看此students是否上文有提過. everything應不用改.
2006-10-23 2:47 am
your english teacher must be one of those that can't speak english properly and is very stubborn on those little tiny bit of grammer that doens't really matter at all to native speakers.

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