Presario V2000

2006-10-22 7:39 am
想請問compaq 既 presario v2000 有冇內置既散熱器牙>?~!!
如果冇..... 我可以點加>?~!! 是但買一隻加落去>?~!

如果買既..... 應該留意 d 咩 牙>?~!!

因為我部腦成日用唔夠一個鐘....... 果底板就好熱好熱.......... 好驚牙 >.<"

回答 (1)

2006-10-30 7:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I'm using v2000 (amd's one). Yes, it has cooling fan. And it runs all the time (very noise!)

Yes, my notebook is very hot too~ especially on the left hand side.

So, if you can't hear the noise of cooling fan, then you probably need to call compaq for repair. If you can hear noise but still hot, it is normal (at least I have this problem too~~)

You can only buy a cooling stand with two fans. You can add a cooling fan into the notebook (because it already has one).

But overall, I still love my notebook. ^_^ Hope you enjoy the notebook too~~
參考: from my V2000 AMD notebook

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