About English sentence expansion.

2006-10-22 3:36 am
`I am reading a story book and she is watching TV.`
In this sentence, are `am reading` and `is watching` verbs?
Is `story` a adjective?

回答 (2)

2006-10-22 4:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
am reading同is watching係present continous tense,即係現在進行式。而且你都可以改為while i am reading a story book,she is watching TV.。避免用and咁沉氣。當然,佢地都係verb啦。


又例如好似student card,apple pie,english camp 都係咁既形式架!!!

2006-10-21 20:06:51 補充:
2006-10-22 3:45 am
Sentence = Subject + verb + object

(I) and (she) are subjects;
(am reading) and (is watching) are verbs;
(a story book) and (TV) are objects
(and) is a conjunction connecting two simple sentences.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 18:09:28
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