
2006-10-22 3:35 am
辣魚蛋 砵仔糕 雞蛋仔 魚肉燒賣王 臭豆腐 碗仔翅 菠蘿包 豬皮蘿蔔 糖蔥餅 蛋撻 芝麻卷 煨番薯 豬油渣麵 沙翁 熱蔗汁 炒栗子 熱粟米 馬仔 咖喱魷魚 絲襪奶茶 麥芽糖夾餅 鹵味 老婆餅 油炸鬼 糖不甩 富豪軟雪糕 狗仔粉 花生糖 西多士 炸兩 砂糖夾餅 五香熟花生 皮蛋酥 豆腐花 煨魷魚 大菜糕 龍鬚糖 白糖糕 棉花糖 粉果 豬腸粉 蛋散 客家茶果 杏仁餅 鹽焗鵪鶉蛋
格仔餅 豬大腸 煎釀三寶 齋滷味 酸木瓜

回答 (1)

2006-10-22 3:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
Spicy fish egg 砵 whelp cake Egg whelp Fish flesh shao mai king Strong-smelling fermented beancurd Bowl whelp wing pineapple package of pigskin radish 蔔 Sugar onion cake The egg flogs Sesame seed volume Simmers sweet potato pig deisel oil surface Sha Wengre the cane juice roasted chestnut Hot corn Cowboy Curry squid silk stockings tea with milk The malt sugar clamps the cake Halogen taste Wife cake cruller The sugar does not fling the rich and powerful people soft ice cream Dog whelp powder peanut brittle West toast Explodes two hard sugar to clamp the cake Five spices ripe peanut The preserved egg is crisp Jellied bean curd Simmers the squid Main dish cake Long Xutang White sugar cake Cotton candy Powder fruit Pig intestines powder The egg disperses Hakkas tea almond cake salt 焗 quail egg
Standard whelp cake pig large intestine Fries ferments the three treasures Room halogen taste Sour Chinese flowering quince

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