
2006-10-22 2:34 am

回答 (3)

2006-10-22 7:00 am
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這是電子的運行習慣,軌域(orbital)可分s、p、d、f、g、h.......,s軌域有一條軌,每條軌可放兩粒電子,即最多可放兩粒電子s2。 p軌域有3條軌,每條軌亦只可放兩粒電子,即最多可放六粒電子p6。d軌域有5條軌,每條軌亦只可放兩粒電子,即最多可放10粒電子d10。f軌域有7條 軌,每條軌亦只可放兩粒電子,即最多可放14粒電子f14。可以看出軌域是以單數上升的1,3,5,7,9,11,13........,而每個軌域以加 1方法在電子層出現,首個出現的s軌域是1即1s,首個出現的p軌域是2即2p,首個出現的d軌域是3即3d,首個出現的f軌域是4即4f,首個出現的g 軌域是5即5g。為何有2,8,18,第一層只有s,所以是2,第二層有s及p,所以是8,第三層有s、p及d,所以是18,第四層有s、p、d及f,所 以是32。
1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p6 5s2 4d10 5d6 4f14 5d10 6s2 6p2 即2, 8, 18, 32, 18, 4,任何情況下最後一層s,永遠在外。 軌域(orbital)其實是電子運行之軌道種類,s軌道呈圓形,p軌道呈8字形,d以上非常複習,只可以話你聽d比p軌道闊,而f又比d更複習。
軌域(orbital)有一特性,當半滿或全滿時,它是會相對穩定,這個特性影響了元素的物理特性。例如錳(Mn)但的電子序是3d54s2,d成半滿狀 態,使得它的溶點(1244)及沸點(2672)比前兩個元素釩(V)之溶點(1890)及沸點(3380)與後一個元素鐵(Fe)之溶點(1535)及 沸點(2750)為低。為何沒有例出錳(Mn)之前鉻(Cr),因為錳不是正常的3d44s2,但是以3d54s1出現,令d及s同樣呈現半滿,使鉻 (Cr)之溶點(1857)及沸點(2672),不正常地比釩(V)為低。同樣情況同時出現在d9s2之元素,如金(Au)它是呈5d106s1,這使它 擁有不活躍的特性。

原子軌域 形狀 軌域數目 電子數目 字母意思 s軌域 球形 一個 兩粒 s 指 "Sharp" ﹝精準﹞ p軌域 雙啞鈴形或吊鐘形 三個 六粒 p 指 "Principal" ﹝首要﹞ d軌域 四啞鈴形或吊鐘形 五個 十粒 d 指 "Diffused" ﹝擴散﹞ f軌域 六啞鈴形或吊鐘形 七個 十四粒 f 指 "Fundamental" ﹝基本﹞ g軌域 八啞鈴形或吊鐘形﹝?﹞ 九個 十八粒 名稱開始依字母排列


2006-10-22 3:17 am
This is relating to AL standard.

In CE levels, potassium will be arranged as 2,8,8,1 because there are totally 19 electrons. And the first orbit ( the circle contain electons) can only contain 2 electons, second orbit can hold maximum 8 electons , the third orbit can hold maximum for 8 electrons and so on.......

so in CE level , potassium describe as 2,8,8,1 and calcium as 2,8,8,2 (20 electons)

However, in AL level, the concepts change to S, P, D-Orbitals. For an element it will contain S-Orbit ( can contain 2 electons only) , P-Orbit ( can contain 6 electons only), D-Orbit (for more electons, no need to study more in AL).

Take Helium as an example. Helium , 2, only contains S-Orbital. So it is described as 1S2. "1" is the n (number of cells) , S is "S-orbital", 2 means it contains 2 electons.

For Sodium, (2,8,1) , it described as 1S2, 2S2, 2P6, 3S1. For each of the n (n=1,2,3,4....), it must contain S-Orbital. And in the n=2 cell, there are S-Orbital and P-Orbital. In 2,8,1, we know that there are 3 cells(n=1,2,3) and 11 electrons. And 1S22S22P63S1 also describing the number of electrons.

The orbital actually means that the energy level, you are right, related to energy. For the electrons, if they gain energy, they will move up and down from the cells or orbitals to release the energy and return to stable. So, the infrastructure of the element is fix with SPD configuration, n=3 cells can hold one S orbit and one P orbit, totally only 8 places for the electons, the 19th electon must move to other obrit for its places.

You can take a look on AL Chemistry.
2006-10-22 2:39 am
參考: my chem teacher

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