2 crisis in 1st world war (extremely urgent)!!!!

2006-10-22 12:50 am
would you please tell me the reasons of having the pre-war crises and the effects of this ?
in eng and in your own words please !!

回答 (1)

2006-10-22 4:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
There were quite a lot of pre-war crises.
First Morrocan Crisis(1905)----- France wanted to turn Morroco into her colony while Germany claimed that Morroco should be independant. After an international meeting, Morroco became French sphere of influence since British supported her.
Second Morrocan Crisis(1911)----- France sent troops to Fez to help settling the civil war there. Germany sent troops and said to protect the German there as an excuse to invade Morroco. British sent a waring to Germany and Germany withdraw from the crisis.
Effect: The two Morrocan Crises helped to improve the relation between France and Britain but on the other hand, the two crises worsened relationship between France and Germany.
Bosnian Crisis(1908)-----Austria-Hungary got Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Balkans. This made Serbia angry as this checked his Greater Serbian Movement that he could not unite Serbians( Slavs ) in there. Though Serbia got Russia's support, Serbia lost at last since Russia had not recovered from her defeat in Russco-Japanese War and also, supported by Germany, Austria-Hungary had no fear to fight with Serbia to get land.
Effect: The Bosnian Crisis worsened relation between the four two camps mentioned and the formation of Black Hand directly led to the outbreak of the First World War.
First Balkan War(1912)-----The Balkan League was formed and declared war against the Ottoman Empire in order to get territorial gain. Turkey was defeated.
Second Balkan War(1913)-----Bulgaria was not satisfied with what she gained from the Balkan War and declared war to her former allies. Turkey and Rumania joined the League side to get territorial rewards. Bulgaria was defeated.

PS: 以上均是本人知識,請勿抄襲
參考: myself

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