
2006-10-22 12:34 am

1. Make a Wish
This is magical moment. Make a wish, and enjoy its manifestation

2. Morning Affirmations
Say positive affirmations each morning to open the gates of manifestation.

3. Mother Healing
As your feelings toward your mother heal, your desires manifest more rapidly and accurately.

4. Music for Manifesting
To manifest rapidly, think of your desire while you chant, hum, sing, or play music

回答 (3)

2006-10-23 6:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Make a Wish
This is magical moment. Make a wish, and enjoy its manifestation
1. 許一個願望

2. Morning Affirmations
Say positive affirmations each morning to open the gates of manifestation.
2. 早晨肯定

3. Mother Healing
As your feelings toward your mother heal, your desires manifest more rapidly and accurately.
3. 治療根源

4. Music for Manifesting
To manifest rapidly, think of your desire while you chant, hum, sing, or play music
4. 音樂表現
2006-10-22 12:56 am
1. 做一個願望這是的魔術的片刻。做一個願望, 和享受它的顯示

2. 早晨肯定認為正面肯定□早晨打開顯示門。

3. 母親癒合作為您的感覺往您的母親癒合, 您的慾望更加迅速地和準確地體現。

4. 音樂使體現迅速地體現, 認為您的慾望當您歌頌, 哼唱□, 唱歌, 或戲劇音樂
2006-10-22 12:39 am
1. 做一個願望
這是的魔術的片刻。做一個願望, 和享受它的顯示
2. 早晨肯定
3. 母親癒合
作為您的感覺往您的母親癒合, 您的慾望更加迅速地和準確地體現。
4. 音樂使體現
迅速地體現, 認為您的慾望當您歌頌, 哼唱, 唱歌, 或戲劇音樂

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