
2006-10-22 12:32 am

回答 (11)

2006-10-22 1:58 am
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國泰係未訂 A380 ge...
你話遲D ge定義係點先?

而家國泰訂左33部機, 全部會係2010年之前會到香港...
空中巴士A330-300 x5
波音777-300ER x18
波音747-400 x2
波音改裝貨機 x2
波音747-400ER貨機 x6
2011-09-15 9:27 am
CX NEVER said that they will never buy the A380. Maybe not now but eventually I am sure.

Go to: http://www.discuss.com.hk/viewthread.php?tid=13490232

2011-09-15 01:27:55 補充:
'Cathay may eventually consider adding the A380, the world’s largest passenger plane, Tyler said in a Bloomberg TV interview. The carrier has so far favored the 777s because of their greater cargo capacity.

2011-09-15 01:28:02 補充:
“I wouldn’t rule out the airline becoming a customer at some point,” Tyler said about the superjumbos.'

Maybe not now..........

HKG-YVR/LHR/LAX/SFO/JFK/NRT/FRA etc can sustain A380 service I think. Maybe HKG-AMS/CDG sometimes.
2006-11-23 5:19 pm
國泰係有訂到 A380 架!! 一開始宣佈有呢架機的時候, 國泰己經訂左一部!
2006-10-31 12:58 pm
Sorry. Hong Kong International Airport is totally capable of handle A380.

The runway length for A380 to take off and landing is no longer than Boeing 747-400. Also runway surface is strong enough for A380 landing impact, and taxiways are wide enough for it to turn and menuaver. Aprons are capable of loading and unloading passengers.

Many airports requires modification (such as LHR, LAX, FRA..etc) was because their runway surface is not strong enough for A380 landing impact and their taxiways are not wide enough for A380 to menuaver. Otherwise the airport will violate regulataions set by ICAO. Because these airports were designed many years ago for the jet-decade (for Boeing 707 and 747), not A380. In fact, even after these airports completed modification for A380, there are still cetrain taxiways and area incapable to accomdate A380.

Hope this clarify the issue of A380 needs longer runway.

2006-10-31 05:11:27 補充:
And for the question if CX will purchase/lease A380. This totally depends if A380 is economical and profitable for CX. Also, the range of A380 is about 14,800km, and the normal flying disstance from HKG to LHR is approx. 9,630km. Which is more than capable.
2006-10-27 7:08 am
2006-10-25 4:04 am
唔會! bcoz唔經濟,又唔實惠...
A380 起飛需要好長的runway,HK airport跑道要加長先得,唔係每一個airport都适合A380.
2006-10-23 5:56 pm
參考: me
2006-10-22 11:47 pm
2006-10-22 5:28 pm
2006-10-22 4:56 am
That depence on their next move and expension plan...
Currently their order will last them until 2010... By which time it would be time for Cathay Pacific to retire some or many of their A330/A340/B744... As many will be nearly or over 20years old...
For Cathay Pacific, they may need to order a few A380 depending on if they can gain additional slots at like London Heathrow/San Francisco/Los Angeles where slots are tight and its not early to secure...
So if Cathay Pacific decide to increase capacity to cope with demand on routes like Hong Kong-London Heathrow, they may need to buy A380 to increase capacity as gaining additional slots are not very likely...
Having said that, there is also the chance of Cathay Pacific not ordering A380 as there is not many routes in their network that could cope with the high capacity of the aircraft...
So we have to wait and see what happen as Cathay Pacific would need to start looking at their future long-haul fleet for after 2010... When part of their long-haul fleet will be in need to retire...
But there is always the chance for Cathay Pacific to turn their option on B773ER into order to replace some of those older long-haul jets...
2006-10-22 12:58 am

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