✔ 最佳答案
Sorry I am away from home, I can only type Eng
The first one of each is the best representation, others are options
愛してる(aishiteru)=I love you
あなたのことが好きです(anatanokotoga sukidesu)=I like u(love 2)
あなたのことが気に入ります(anatanokotoga kiniirimasu)=I concern about u
あなたと恋をした(anatato koiwoshita)=I fall in love w/ u
あなたと恋に落ちた(anatato koiniochita)=I fall 4 you
ずっと一緒/永久に(zutto issho/towani)=4 a life time
ずっとそばにいてほしい(zutto sobani itehoshi)=Wish u be with me from now on
なかよし、親友(nakayoshi/shinyuu)=Close/best friends
仲間(nakama)=unimpeachable friend/team
ベストフレンド(besuto furendo)=Best friend
仲良く友達(nakayoku tomodachi)=Very good friend
2006-10-21 16:16:05 補充:
一生一世 acually means the same as ichigoichie(一期一会)which means the very big moment during the whole life...Like wedding or meeting the right one etc... The is the figurative way to say isshoisse, but it's seldom converted to Chinese literally
2006-10-21 16:25:31 補充:
So what i mean is Jap一生一世 =\=Chin一生一世In Chinese, 一生一世 means stay together forever moreTherefore in Jap, we should definately use Zutto to represent forever, issho(ni) is togetherif u want to say stay together forever, ずっと一緒にいられるis good 4u, but in mose of the case, Zutto means一生一世already